Register as a Hooke member

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    Using this form you can register for S.V.N.B. Hooke on the condition that you're registered for the Bachelor Nanobiology or a related Master programme. Your registration is completed when you've paid the €15 contribution. You can do this at the bottom of this page. You can also transfer €15,00 within one week to NL02 INGB 0006 7459 46 in the name of S.V.N.B. Hooke including the message "contribution + full name". Also, if you have not signed an automatic invoice yet, please do this as well! You can sign one in the hub (building 58, room C0.010).

    Pay attention! When you attended the Introduction weekend Nanobiology (IntroN), you are already registered and you do not have to fill in this form.
    When you already bought books but you did not attend the introduction weekend, you already paid contribution, but you still have to fill in this form.

    *= required.
    **= The Statutes and bylaws can be read in the board office.


    Your registration is completed when you’ve paid the €15 contribution. If you have not done this yet, please do so here.

    Total price membership (incl. transaction costs): € -