Maskerclass wellbeing workshop

Learn more about mental health

What does a broken leg have to do with depression or burnout? After the energetic Maskerclass workshop, you will know all about this. You will learn the do’s and don’ts in mental health in a playful and interactive way. How do you hold a conversation with that gloomy classmate? What helps and what doesn’t? Where can you and your friend turn for help?


This is what we will do

Unfortunately, there is still a taboo on talking about mental health issues. It’s time this changes. Talking about mental health problems can prevent a lot of suffering. On Tuesday the 19th of December we will discuss this topic with Hooke. We do this together with Sophie Schmeets of the company Maskerclass. Sophie herself has experienced depression several times and now shares her experiences with colleagues and students throughout the Netherlands. The interactive workshop will cover the following topics:

  • How do you recognize mental symptoms?
  • How do you help yourself?
  • And how do you help others?



The workshop will start at 14.00 and lasts until 17.00. It will take place in the Aula building, in committee room 3 (“02.230 Commissiekamer 3”). You are welcome from 13.45, please make sure that you’re there on time! We will provide you with coffee, tea and some snacks.


Sign up now

There is room for around 20 persons only, so make sure to sign up in time. Good to know: there is no need to share personal stories during this event. We have Sophie for that: “During my master’s I suffered from depression for the first time. This came as a bolt from the blue for me. I didn’t really know what was happening to me and where to ring the bell. During this Maskerclass, I will take you through my experiences back then. You can ask me anything!”