ATP Valentine dinner & Roller skating Registrations!

Hi there dear smitten skating (nano)student,

Wednesday the 15th of February, Hooke will go indoor disco rollerskating and will have a ‘romantic’ Valentine dinner before that. You can now sign up for both!

The Valentine dinner will be composed of people bringing their own dish and sharing! So if you are planning on coming, please let us know which dish you are planning on making!

The indoor roller skate activity will take place at ‘skate-fever’ and will costs between 15 and 20 euro’s per person.
This contains:

  • Entree to the skate park.
  • The rent of rollerskates.
  • A 30 minute skateworkshop from a experienced employee from the skate park.
  • 3x a drink of choice (soda, beer or wine).
  • 1x ‘bitterballen’ (fried snacks).

The whole skating activity will take around 2 to 3 hours. There are limited places for the skate activity, so sign up now!

Cupido ATP 8!