Student Representation

Applied Sciences Faculty Student Council

Each year Nanobiology is represented by a student on the Faculty Student Council (the FSC). At the moment the FSC is comprised of 8 members that represent the students of the faculty of Applied Sciences of the TU Delft.
The FSC is involved in all sorts of matters that are important to students and represents their interest on the faculty level. Where the Board of Studies is more focused on the courses of our university programme, the FSC is concerned with the bigger picture.

To make sure that the FSC actually produces results, we have a meeting with all members once a week. Next to that we have a large meeting every six weeks with all programme directors, programme coordinators, the head of Educational and Students affairs and the dean of the faculty. Here we talk about the problems and improvement in and for the faculty.

Do you have any questions, comments or suggestions for the FSC? Send an email to or come and talk to us.


Rila Melek Sehirlioglu
FSC Nanobiology 2024-2025



Hi! I’m Rila Sehirlioglu, a 3rd year Nanobiology student, and this year I am part of the Faculty Student Council (FSC) of Applied Sciences. I share the diversity & inclusion and sustainability portfolios this year and I am very excited to be working with you to improve our lovely faculty! This year we will focus on the well-being of BEP and MEP students, improving diversity & inclusion policies, increasing student initiative on sustainability policies by forming Green Team AS. Finally and most importantly we want to enhance communication with you regarding faculty policies to ensure they better reflect your needs and concerns.


Erasmus MC Student Council

Since 2023, Nanobiology students are also represented in the student council in the EMC in Rotterdam! Tessa Hartog is part of this council. Together with 7 medical students she tries to make the best out of the EMC for all students. Send an email to or come talk to her if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.


Tessa Hartog
Studentenraad 2024-2025



Hello! I am Tessa, a 4th year Nanobiology student, and this year I am part of the Student Council of the Erasmus Medical Centre. I personally focus this year on more visibility of the council for Nanobiology, Clinical Technology and the Research Masters. Besides that, I will investigate the difference between courses in Delft and Rotterdam and how we can improve that. Also, my portfolios are facilities in the EMC and the budget.