IntroN 2024

Every summer one of our committees organises the first year introduction weekend called IntroN. During this weekend all the upcoming first years will get a chance to meet all their fellow students during some fun games and activities. You will also already get to know us: S.V.N.B. Hooke, the study association of Nanobiology. We highly recommend joining this weekend, as it provides a great start to begin your study! The weekend will take place on the 16th, 17th and 18th of August. During this weekend we will provide stay and food. The weekend will have a lovely theme, watch this video to find out what it will be!

You can sign up via the OWee, all upcoming first years will also receive an email from them. You can sign up and find more information via the following link:

On August 12th the digital international pre-OWee will take place at 2 PM local time. This event will be specifically for all international students coming to Delft. During this day we will explain to you what the OWee is, why it is important to follow the OWee this summer, what you can expect during the OWee and what you need to take care of before you come to Delft to have the best possible start to your study time here. Join via:

For all current Nanobiology students (i.e. those that are already studying) that want to join the weekend as a supervisor, sign up here.

If you have any questions you can contact us via

Hope to see you there!IntroN 2024