Lustrum week activities

Hooray, hooray, the time is almost here! The lustrum week is coming closer and closer… Here you can buy your tickets to the amazing activities organized by LUCA 2! The planning is as follows:

Monday: Cocktail course

Time: 18:00 – 20:00

Location: Café Luna

Tuesday: Symposium

NOTE: The symposium is organized by SNP. Sign up for the pre-sale here.

Wednesday: Roller skating

Time: 19:00-21:00

Location: Skate Fever in Rotterdam

Thursday: Corsage making

Time: 12:45 – 13:45

Location: Bar het Lab, Applied Sciences

Friday: Lustrum gala

Time: 18:00 – 1:00

Location: De Lichtfabriek, Gouda

NOTE: You can buy tickets for the gala on this page. 


The sign ups for the combitickets are closed, buy tickets for the activities below!

Here you can buy tickets to the cocktail course and roller skating seperately.

Total (incl. transaction costs): € -