Wellbeing Week Applied Sciences 2025

Monday – Wellbeing Drinks

On Monday, there are Wellbeing Drinks in Bar het Lab, where you can get free skincare masks, alcohol-free and soft drinks.

Order dinner from SimplyMeals.


Tuesday – Interactive workshop Door Het Geluid (ONLY AVAILABLE IN DUTCH)

On Tuesday, there is an interactive workshop during lunch given by Door Het Geluid. This workshop will focus on themes such as loneliness and academic stress. The workshop will be in the Mooij Hall at AS-22.

Workshop Door Het Geluid


Wednesday – Yogalates

On Wednesday, you can join a Yogalates class at X from 09:00-10:00.

Note: There are limited spots for the yogalates. If you sign up but are not able to make it, please let us know as soon as possible so someone else can go! You can contact onderwijs-hooke@tudelft.nl to let us know if you are not able to make it.

Yogalates Wednesday


Thursday – Yogalates & Lunch Lecture on Addiction

On Thursday, there is a Yogalates class from 08:30-09:30 at X, and a lunch lecture from Brijder about addiction and substance abuse at 12:45 in the Beijerink Hall at AS-58.

Note: There are limited spots for the yogalates. If you sign up but are not able to make it, please let us know as soon as possible so someone else can go! You can contact onderwijs-hooke@tudelft.nl to let us know if you are not able to make it.

Yogalates Thursday

Lunch Lecture Brijder